Understanding the processes involved in New Product
Development (NPD) require the need to study various NPD processes. It
provides the platform to summarize a typical NPD process. DeveNova
focuses on the following components:
1. Background where key ideas from a situation
are analyzed.
2. Focus on a clear technology and market
dimensions. The need to concentrate on core competencies and capitalize
on technology and market sources.
3. Goals and objectives of the project which
determines the accomplishment of the project and develops means of
measuring the accomplishment or achievements.
4. Guidelines, which sets the strategic
path/roadmap. Way in which factors such as cost, quality, and time are
greatly dealt with, to develop a competitive new product.
DeveNova Consulting helps achieve the above components
Step-by-Step Coaching
Systematic Design Procedures
Creating Conceptual Designs
Strategy Creation
Mindset Change
Brainstorming and Ideation
R&D Management